November 25th, 2008. This date will not be any different then any other for most. However, for us this marks 6 yrs. for our son Mark Jr. to be in Heaven. Our little Angel ! 6 years of what ifs . We have made many friends. Friends that do not even know we lost a son. How do you just tell people? Some people get really weird when you talk about it. Like you should be over it by now, or oh, it was at birth. It doesn't make a difference. This was our child. One that we had watch grow on Ultrasounds, felt kick. He was real and he was alive!!!!
We are grateful for the people who were there for us. I wouldn't have wished this for anyone, however. We have made some wonderful friends by having a son that passed away. We have been able to help a few people by getting books and baby packs. I am thankful to God that we had him to see us through. Please pray for all the mothers that have lost their babies, big or small. Pray for the moms the are pregnant now. Hold your babies tight tonight and Thank God for what he has blessed you with.