Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pumpkin Patch !!

We went to the Pumpkin patch with my local MOPS group.(It was fall break so not everyone was there. ) We had a great time. A little cool, but so much fun. The pumpkins by the white van is ours. D- was so proud of his. The kids were off for Fall break. My In-laws came for four days. We had a wonderful time. It was Grandpas birthdayon Friday. We had corn cassorole , Lasagna, salad, rolls, cake and cookies.
D- has a 102 fever today. We took him to the DR. he said virus. They tested his blood count and it was fine. So , we will wait it out. He is almost two and and he has not had an antobotic yet. Hope you enjoy the picture .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved the photo - wish we could have been there too!