Monday, August 04, 2008

School Starts next week!!

The summer is almost over. The long lazy days. Oh how I will miss them. The days at the park, swimming til 9 pm. , the fun movie days, the sleeping in til 7or 8am. I can't believe that school is starting next week. We will be getting up at 6:30 am.,stuffing all the good stuff from 3:30pm-8:30pm. That is not enough time with your kids. I think they could have school be half days and get it over with faster. You know all the home school moms do. Why do they need recess', lunch at school. See, I think they should have school from 8am-noon. Then have lunch at home and the afternoon to relax and have a life. However, this will never happened. So, here we go again. As you can see , I am not fawned of having my kids gone all day. I miss them!!!! Well, for all you moms- I will be crying with you next Wed.
Take care and pray for the kids going back to school. Oh, and the teachers too.Thank you.

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